If you are interested in becoming a Power Billet or have questions, please contact Kris Marion (414) 507-6012 or

Help make a player’s hockey pursuit easier while away from home, by participating as a billet family and provide a great local home and family.

The West Bend Power roster includes elite level players from outside of SE Wisconsin. To allow these players to take advantage of the hockey opportunity while with the Power, they require housing assistance from families within the community to serve as billet families.

This concept involves local host families providing a home to out-of-state players for the hockey season. The billet program also allows these young men to complete their high school educations, take college preparatory classes and/or obtain part-time employment in the local community while pursuing the next step in their hockey careers.

Moving away from home is one of the hardest aspects of being an elite level hockey player. As a result, we strive to find homes that provide a positive family environment to help alleviate such inherent anxieties. Our players, in turn, are expected to embrace the challenges of moving into a new household and become actively involved with the family that has so generously welcomed them into their home.

By opening up your house and heart to a player, you are providing a young man with the opportunity to achieve his dreams. The billeting experience, more often than not, is one that is as rewarding for the host family as it is for the player you are taking in for the hockey season. Many lifelong friendships between families are forged through the tradition of hosting a player.

If you are interested in hosting a player or simply learning more about becoming a host family, you may fill out the Billet Family Application or contact us via email or the phone.

We value the importance of the billet families who open their homes to our players and appreciate the efforts made by the entire family in making our players’ transition and pursuits easier. The West Bend Power program, the players, and their families appreciate the commitment, generosity and dedication of our billet families.

-Apply Now

-Frequently Asked Questions


“Little did we know when we opened up our home to become a billet family that we would forever open our hearts to our 3rd son/brother.  Billeting has been the best, most rewarding thing we’ve done as a family.”

“We have billeted amateur players for the past several years now.  It has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Each young man has been a great addition to the family….super “big brothers” to both our hockey playing son and our non-sport playing son. It’s been very rewarding sharing experiences on and off the ice. To see the growth and transformation that takes place within each of our athletes over the course of each season truly demonstrates the quality of experience they receive here in Milwaukee and reaffirms why we continue to billet players each year.”

“Our family has been billeting hockey players in the Milwaukee region for the last 5 years and it has been an incredibly positive experience for us.  We have had the opportunity to share the intensive hockey experience with these exceptional young men and their families. We have stayed in contact with these kids and their families long after they have left our home.  We have built lifelong relationships and are thrilled to have been a positive influence in their hockey careers.”